Wayfinding Signs

Help your clients find their way and find you

For businesses like hospitals, schools, and large corporations, you may need to help your clients navigate through cities or towns to get to your location.

To do this, you need a system of way finding signs that are strategically placed in accordance with governmental regulations. Way finding signs may also be needed for private roads, as well as park roads and trails.

Way finding signs are typically sprayed aluminum signs that are installed on existing posts, pillars, or poles with fasteners and bands. These signs can be installed on new posts as well, if needed.

Consistency is very important to way finding signs; they need to be uniform and dependable. They can be customized with different shapes, sizes, typestyles and colors; but you need to make sure your design is approved by the appropriate officials.

Our goal is to be the liaison between your business and the city or town involved. We will lend our expertise, support, and assistance to get your way finding signs out there in a way that is both pleasing to you and acceptable to city and town authorities.

Do you need to direct clients through your business campus? Check out our Exterior Directories Section.

Way Finding Signs Quick Facts:

  • Can be installed on existing posts, pillars or poles; but can also be installed on new posts.

  • Typically made from sprayed aluminum, but can be made from other sign substrates as well.

  • Designed in a way that is consistent and easy to find. Can be customized to match your business fonts, images and colors.

  • Come with our assistance in making sure the signs satisfy your business needs while meeting all city and town regulations.