Sign Maintenance
Because your sign needs to be effective now – and later
Every type of sign has a different lifespan; but with any signage, there are ways to maintain sign quality and prolong its lifespan.
The most common maintenance requested is florescent bulb or electric ballast replacement, but there are many other ways to make a sign last longer, regardless of the sign substrate.
You may find sign maintenance every few years to be more cost efficient than the total sign replacement that is necessary once the sign has aged beyond the desired quality and durability.
All of our long-term signs come with the option for a service agreement. We will work with you to decide how often you would like us to refurbish and restore your installed signs. The additional expense up front will save you more money in the long run.
Sign maintenance is handled by our installations department; a representative will be more than happy to discuss pricing, scheduling, and the procedures for sign maintenance centered around resourcefulness, centered around durability, centered around you.
Maintenance Includes:
Florescent bulb replacement
Electric ballast replacement
Sign fasteners replacement
Fresh paint and rust protection
Sign cleaning
Service agreements